Friday, March 27, 2009

Parsha Vayikra

This week Rabbi Landau focused on the aspect of בושה and bringing the קרבן חטאת

Here is the link:

Good Shabbos

Friday, March 20, 2009

Parsha Vayakel - Pekudei

Rabbi Landau spoke about 2 themes today.

1) The order that the Torah writes about Shabbos and the Mishkan

2) The donation of the materials for the Mishkan by the women.

Here is the link:

Good Shabbos

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yisro & Mishpatim

I finally got around to uploading the 2 Shiurim that were taped while I was in America.

The link for Parsha Yisro is:

The Link for Mishpatim is:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Parsha Ki Sisa

Today Rabbi Landau spoke about the connection between the Parsha of Ki Sisa, Parsha Parah and Purim.

Here is the link:

Good Shabbos

Friday, March 6, 2009

Parsha Tezaveh

Rabbi Landau's Shiur today focused on the upcoming Holiday of Purim.

Here is the link:

Have a good Shabbos & Freilich Purim