Friday, November 28, 2008

Parsha Toldos

This weeks shuir covered one theme on why the Torah didn't speak about Yitzchak Avinu as much as it did Avraham and Yaakov.

Here is the link.

Good Shabbos

Friday, November 21, 2008

Parsha Chayei Sara

This week's Shiur covered two themes:

1) The nature of a test

2) Old age

Here is the download link:


Good Shabbos.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Parsha Vayera

This week Rabbi Landau spoke about two different topics.

1) The Akeida - explaining what we can learn from the test that Hashem gave to Avraham.
2) The reason why Lot as saved from Sedom

Here is the link:

Good Shabbos.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Parsha Lech Lecha.

This is my first post on this newly created blog.

The idea behind this site is simple. I wanted to have a place were every week I will be able to post a link for a Shiur on the Parsha, given by Rabbi Yehoshua Landau. Every week is another gem, and I go home with some amazing insights in to the Parsha which I share with my family during our Shabbos Seuda. I hope you enjoy these Shiurum as well. Each Shiur is approximately 45 minutes, which is time well spend on Friday, it will get you in to the Shabbos spirit.

Here is the link for Lech Lecha:

Good Shabbos.
